If you are a foreigner and you want to invest in a property in Oaxaca, here is important information for you about the documents you should present for the purchase-sale process.
Foreigners have the right to acquire a property in Mexico no matter if they have or not the Mexican residence.
For real estate transactions with foreigners, in Mexico, there exists a restricted zone which is a strip of 100 km along the land borders and 50 km along the beaches. However, a lot of people do not know that as foreigners it is possible to acquire a property in Mexican territory inside the restricted zone. This can be done through a trust or the constitution of a Mexican enterprise. The Mexican system allows people from other countries buy a property and gives them great protection.
To acquire real estate in restricted zones, foreigners must acquire the property through the constitution of a bank trust formalized with a Mexican Banking Institution. As a buyer, you will be designated as the primary beneficiary.