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Aspects to consider when investing in Real Estate for the first time

Dolores Pérez Islas
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores  Perezi
Facebook: Dolores Pérez Islas

Real Estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor it can be carried away. Purchased with common sense and, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world.

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

At present, the Real Estate sector is one of the biggest supports of the Mexican economy. Every time, more and more people are betting on investing in it. There are many advantages it brings: possess a high capital gain, a safe return on investment, the support to the local economy and stability and you will find multiples options of properties.

So, if you are thinking in investing in Real Estate, we present you here some aspects to consider, so that in this way your first investment is carried out in the best possible way.

1.- Set your budget.

This is the most important aspect, since it is which will define the property you will have access to, whereby, if you think your budget is not enough yet, we recommend you to wait and save up more until you get a considerable quantity.

2.- Be patience, contemplate the time.

if your idea is to sell your property you should know this will take time. To generate capital gain, you have to wait for some years, it value will increase and then, it will be the appropriate moment to sell it.

3.- Look over the details with maximum security. 

When acquiring a property, make sure all the documents are in order, free of lien, registered in the public registry, etc. This will get you out of trouble in the future.

4.- Invest in presale.

The most attractive option to invest, since when you acquire a property in presale (in an early stage of construction) you will pay a lower price, giving you the opportunity to generate a greater capital gain when the construction concluded. For that, it is preferable to do research about the developer who offers the property in order to make sure about the reliability of the purchase.

5.- Make of the “location, location, location”.

The location of the property is essential; however, it also depends on the use you want for the estate. If it is a commercial local, the ideal is that it is located in ideally, it should be in an area with a large flow of people. On the other hand, if your desire is to sell a house for a family with kids, maybe, the most viable will be a calm zone with nearby schools and parks.

6.- Consider to buy for remodeling and selling.

This can be an unattractive option, nevertheless, experts point out you can get even a 30% of utilities.

7.- Invest to rent in a higher price.

As its name indicates, you can purchase a property to rent it later, for that, take into account that maybe you will have to invest a little bit more to make some adjustments to increase its value.

Well, these are the most relevant points when investing in Real Estate. Remember to get organize everything and take your process from the hand of experts on the subject, as well as choose the option that best suits with your budget.

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