
MXN Exchange Rate

All foreign residents in Mexico will soon be required to have a tax number due to a recent tax reform.

Dolores Pérez Islas
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores  Perezi
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Temporary and permanent residents aged 18 or over or anyone with a CURP identity number must have an RFC number by July 1 whether they earn income in Mexico or not.

The change will help the government spot money laundering and other illegal financial transactions.

  1. make an appointment at your nearest SAT office via the agency’s online portal (Spanish only).
  1. After requesting an appointment (registrar cita) and choosing the option for an individual taxpayer (persona física) you will be required to enter your CURP number, which appears on residency cards, as well as your full name and email address
  1. Select the service for which you’d like to make an appointment, the state in which you live and the office at which you would like to lodge your application.
  1. You will either be able to schedule an appointment on the page’s virtual calendar or be told that no appointments are available and given the option to join a fila virtual or virtual line. By entering your email address you will be sent a “token” – an alphanumeric code – that can be used to join the virtual line.
  1. You will then receive an email confirming you are in the virtual line and advising you to monitor your email for an appointment date and time. On the day of your appointment, you will need to take a variety of documents to the SAT office.

A valid migration document, i.e. a residency card.

  1. Proof of address, such as a bank statement, electricity bill or rental contract.
  2. A passport.

Another bureaucratic requirement of foreigners once they have an RFC number is to obtain a document called Constancia de Situación Fiscal (Proof of Fiscal/Tax Situation). That document will be required by any foreigners doing business in Mexico, even if that business is simply being an electricity, water or internet customer.

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(SAT) Service tax administration.


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