Wednesday, August 2, 2023

By Valeria Cadena Lopez 

Civil Engineer in SILMÉXICO 

Over time, society has tended to invest in real estate projects, because they are one of the most feasible and intelligent investments that offer us a good return, in addition to their increase in purchasing power. If you are interested in investing in real estate, our SILMÉXICO team can guide you on this path.

If you are searching for the acquisition of land, SILMÉXICO will be happy to accompany you, advise you, and offer you the best deals in the state of Oaxaca that suit your needs. 

Once the site is acquired, a construction plan is prepared, which consists of carrying out the analysis-diagnosis, where we list each of the needs and desires of the client, with the experience of our team of engineers and architects, it is possible to develop an executive comprehensive project. 

It is important to carry out a financial analysis to calculate the costs of acquiring materials, construction costs, payments of construction personnel, and indirect costs. To ensure its cost, we consider the percentage of inflation and contingencies, to maintain a budget close to reality to mitigate cost overruns.

We maintain a direct link with our suppliers, which allows us to offer our clients better prices for materials and construction supplies, reducing the cost of construction.

It must be considered, that before starting building your project, our team must obtain the pertinent construction permits and licenses from the corresponding area to be built.

Executive projects are carried out based on the client’s needs, then soil mechanics tests and topographic surveys, to make calculation reports and prepare structural plans to guarantee the safety of your real estate project.

When starting the construction, the preliminary works of the foundation and structure are executed according to the design and structural calculation. Our technical team of specialized labor supervised by the Civil Engineer, allows the correct construction processes in the construction of your project, abiding by the technical construction regulations in force in the State. 

In the end, the delivery of your project is made, with a detailed review where we make sure together with the client the correct functioning of each of the areas, facilities, and equipment, granting the guarantee of your project. 

At SILMÉXICO we have a group of professionals in civil engineering, architecture, accounting, and legal, to make your real estate project a reality. Contact us by phone: 951-127-1380 or visit any of our offices in the state of Oaxaca.


Monday, July 31, 2023

By Juan Luis Santiago Medina 

Legal Assistant at SILMÉXICO

Currently, in the corporate world when exposing the idea of ​​working jointly with third parties outside your company, office, or business you tend to expose private or corporate information, however, at the time of any embezzlement within the business that you seek to celebrate, could significantly harm your environment.

But how to protect the personal and corporate data of your company, office, or business within a negotiation?

As legal advisors, within a legal business, we must consider that discretion and confidentiality play a very important role in the success of a business, and that is where those called by the corporate world “NDAs” intervene, which, for Its acronym in English, we will translate it by Confidentiality Agreements, but really, what do we understand by NDA or confidentiality agreement?

According to various legal sources, Confidentiality Agreements are those legal agreements by which the parties establish conditions of use, transfer, or exchange of information that they consider “Confidential” but essential to ensure the success of the negotiation, understood from something fundamental such as address, marital status to more sensitive issues, account statements, company partners, digital signatures, tax status, among others.

To delve into confidentiality agreements, we must understand that they may contain what the parties consider necessary to ensure the personal and corporate protection of their core.

Understanding the concept of the famous NDAs, what are the benefits of signing them?.

  • Certainly, a good business is one that is duly supported, speaking from a legal point of view, which are precisely the pros; 
  • Protection of the intellectual property of your brand, company, or business.
  • Certainty protects the confidentiality of your personal and corporate data.

Protection against embezzlement or bad faith by third parties who, for legal business reasons, have information in their possession.


In conclusion, we understand that NDAs are vital and practical tools to protect sensitive information and strengthen the negotiation between the parties so that in case there is any misuse of shared private information, you can always count on the support legal if you have already signed this instrument and you are duly advised.


July 28, 2023 

By Jessica Hernández

Customer Service

Every year is visible the increase in the number of foreigners who have decided to reside in the country. The most significant number of migrants that entered México in the last 5 years came from the United States, 381K people, and 8,858 people from Canada.

Mexico is already host to a strong contingent of foreign residents who live here full-time or part-time, and although the reasons they tend to cite for choosing to live in Mexico vary, common themes include a welcoming culture, agreeable climates, the delicious flavors and fresh produce, and affordable living costs.

Above all, foreigners are looking for a comfortable life, already retired from productive activities, and they find, in locations close to the Oaxacan capital in the city itself, and on the coast, a pleasant climate, a less expensive economy compared to that of their countries of origin, and a quiet life.


It’s not just retired who are seeking change: we’re receiving interest from people in their middle ages, and even some younger working-age people whose transferable skills enable them to exercise their talents in various areas of the ‘knowledge economy’—especially online working, or as they are known and named “digital nomads” 


Another attraction for people seeking an alternative lifestyle here is the lower cost of living in Oaxaca—which translates into things like more retirement savings for those still in their working-age, and more sustainable living standards for those on fixed incomes in retirement.

The state has countless landscapes that make foreigners fall in love with them and make the decision of living here. Likewise, retired like Oaxaca due to its nice weather, as most of them come from cold parts of the world, they prefer sunny and warm days in places such is the case of the Oaxacan coast. 

As foreigners come from big cities where the hustle and bustle, and smoke are their bread-and-butter, they prefer tranquil places where they can disconnect from stress and slow down from their usual pace of life. 


There is huge investment potential in Oaxaca state. Housing prices are low, while infrastructure, including the 420 Million USD highway and 26 Million USD airport expansion is well underway. This will help result in an appreciation in oceanfront and in the City’s properties in the area.

From its untouched beaches to its rugged coastline and mountainous landscapes with colonial buildings, Oaxaca is truly Mexico’s hidden gem.

If you found yourself interested, find out about the wide range of real estate that we offer in SILMÉXICO and contact us through any of our different communication channels: 



July 26, 2023 

By Arq. Jorge Santiago

Architect at SILMÉXICO

This year is half over and architectural design continues to evolve, so SILMÉXICO tells you what is the design trend you can implement in your home that will help improve not only the aesthetics but also the comfort of the spaces, and we are talking about Biophilic architecture

It is a concept that has gained importance in architectural design because what this principle seeks is to connect humans with nature to improve their well-being. Every time, there are more projects that integrate and generate a dialogue with nature, making it the protagonist of the architectural work. 

The term “biophilic” comes from the greek word philia= love/ inclination, and it is translated as “love for living things”. 

Although it seems something very new, this term began to be used by the psychologist Erich Fromm in 1964 but it was not until the 80’s that it was popularized by the biologist Edward O. Wilson, since he detected how the urban sprawl disconnected every time more humans from nature, that is why currently the projects that seek to generate true comfort for the user are involved in biophilic design, this idea has been reinforced after the pandemic revealed that contact with nature in the different spaces that human beings inhabit is essential for their comfort and well-being.

In Mexico, it is very common for architectural projects to integrate nature as a regulating element, between spaces and to help the end user feel part of the environment, and generate a spatial but also an emotional connection with nature. Nowadays, with the exponential growth of cities in the country, this is gaining more and more strength due to the natural need for comfort and connection with nature. It is precisely in Oaxaca where developers have already taken this guideline seriously and have begun to implement it in new constructions, making it clear that the idea of having a home with all the comforts is not at odds with the idea that this be in harmony with nature and connect the users with it. A faithful example of this is “Las pozas”, with its large open spaces, with huge gardens and different endemic plants of Oaxaca.


At SILMÉXICO we are committed to generating comfort for the user and generating real estate projects in Oaxaca and Mexico with low environmental impact that do not affect the environment, but rather get involved by creating a connection with it that helps generate quality environments.

If you are interested in this type of housing, find out about the wide range of real estate that we offer in SILMÉXICO and contact us through any of our different communication channels: 



July 19, 2023 

By Lic. Jessica Hernández 

Customer Service

Whether it is to live, or for investment purposes, acquiring a property is a solemn transaction and must be considered by the parties involved as such. The buying-selling process can be very simple to the extent that both the buying and selling parties provide, on the one hand, the necessary documentation, and on the other, the economic resource. That is why, if you are close to acquiring any type of property, it is necessary that you check that the owner of the property has the following documents:

1. Current official identification of the owner(s)

2. Deeds in the name of the seller, in case the property is communal/ ejidal, there must be a certificate of possession

3. cadastral certificate

4. felling and demarcation

5. Freedom of lien

6. Current property tax receipt

7. Water and electricity bills

8. Marriage or divorce certificate, if applicable.

9. Plan of the land and subdivision (in case of being in a subdivision)


10. Updated tax status certificate


At SILMÉXICO we always make sure that when listing a property all the documentation is in order, in this way, we offer the certainty to all our clients that their purchase is safe and that their investment will be the best.

Do you have questions about this documentation? Come to our consultancy headquarters at Sabinos #711, Colonia Reforma, Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca, and contact us at (+52)951-127-1380, or send us an email at Our legal team will be happy to help you with your doubts and take the big step in acquiring your new property. 


July 19, 2023 

By Ing. Ricardo Cisneros Sánchez 

Project Manager at SILMÉXICO

Construction is one of the most important industries in the world, where human and variable capital moves 365 days a year. It is not surprising that this is constantly changing since it must respond to the social, cultural, environmental, and political needs that are taking place in the area where the construction will be implemented.

In 2023, construction in México has mainly focused on maximizing investor investment with proposals that respond to current environmental measures, reduce execution times, and that the final product meets higher quality standards in finishing and operation. This is why we group them into the following points:


  • Sustainable Construction: Sustainability is a major trend in the construction industry, and developers are looking for ways to build projects that are more environmentally friendly. This may include the use of recycled or 0-impact materials, the installation of renewable energy systems, separation of water for final disposal, accompanied by designs that are efficient in the use of energy. The implementation of materials such as earth, wood, and stone are increasingly gaining prominence in current constructions.


  • Modular Construction: Modular construction is a construction method that uses prefabricated components that are assembled on-site. This method can be faster and more efficient than traditional construction, and can also result in less waste, optimizing construction costs and maximizing work crew performance. From SIP panels and prefabricated structural elements such as the joist and alveolar plate to the use of 3D printing, they allow a dry, affordable construction with guaranteed quality.


  • Smart Building: Smart building uses technology to improve the efficiency and comfort of the end-user of buildings. This may include the use of automation systems, sensors, and networks to control climate, lighting, and other systems. Since the pandemic, this niche has grown considerably and has become a necessity in terms of the comforts it can offer the end user.


It is important to be updated with the needs of the market and the demand for products that cities demand today since this allows cutting-edge projects to be carried out that ensure profitability in the short and medium term. Today, a sustainable building can help reduce maintenance costs, improve air and water quality, and create a positive image for the company. Implementing modular elements can help speed up construction time, reduce running costs, and create less waste. If we combine this with elements that improve the efficiency and comfort of the end users, we will obtain greater satisfaction both from our end client and from the investors of the project, reflecting higher incomes and immediate capital gains.


Monday, July 17, 2023

By Jessica Hernández

As explained in a previous article, different mechanisms can be used to acquire properties in México. One of them is the creation of a Mexican corporation, which is the matter of this article. 

A Mexican corporation: as of 1995, foreigners can own, operate and manage Mexican companies, however, some restrictions remain on the activities in which a Mexican company can participate when foreigners are involved, such as mining, airports, and telecommunications; however, the general rule is 100% participation. No investment restrictions exist on foreign-owned companies that purchase and develop the property. Mexican corporations require a minimum of two associates or shareholders. Both shareholders can be foreigners, and having a Mexican partner is unnecessary.  

There are several different types of Mexican corporations, however, the two most common are the S.A. de C.V. and the S. de R.L. de C.V. The S.A. de C.V. is a stock corporation, and S. de R.L. de C.V. resembles a limited liability company. Choosing the type of corporation to establish is essential for tax purposes in both the US and Mexico.

Once your Mexican company is formed, you can acquire property anywhere in Mexico, including the restricted zone. Property acquisition is also a “formal” procedure, and you must ensure that all the proper steps are accomplished to secure the title, that is why this process should be carried out with professionals in the area. 

If you are about to acquire a property in Mexican lands, visit us at to know more about this and other services SILMÉXICO offers and become a Mexican property owner.

Se firma la escritura del LOCAL #1 en Paseo Santa Lucía


El día 11 de julio del 2023 se llevó a cabo la firma de la escritura del LOCAL NÚMERO #1 (UNO) por la entidad financiera ACREIMEX ante el notario público número 100 (CIEN) del estado de Oaxaca, la cooperativa ACREIMEX adquirió este inmueble de 157 mt.2 dentro del nuevo centro comercial Paseo Santa Lucía.

ACREIMEX es una cooperativa de ahorro y crédito que brinda servicios financieros de calidad con sentido humano. Fomentan la cultura del ahorro y el uso responsable del crédito de sus asociados, enfocado a su desarrollo económico y social.

Iniciaron operaciones en la Villa de Etla, Oaxaca el 13 de junio del año 2001, con sólo 3 personas. Actualmente ACREIMEX es una institución autorizada por la Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores, con una fuerza de servicio de más de 1,000 personas con 60 sucursales a lo largo de 9 estados de la República Mexicana.

El LOCAL #1, nueva sucursal de ACREIMEX se encuentra en la fachada principal del centro comercial frente a la carretera Internacional #802, con accesos por escaleras y elevador al inmueble.

Así como ACREIMEX se espera en los próximos días continuar escriturando los locales comprados por inversionistas y empresas.

La oportunidad de invertir en Paseo Santa Lucía es cada vez más atractiva para quienes buscan rentabilidades a corto plazo. Las propiedades son privadas y de carácter definitivo con toda la documentación legal para llevar a cabo la compraventa de un inmueble comercial.

¿Quieres invertir en Paseo Santa Lucía?

Contacta al equipo de ventas para obtener toda la asesoría profesional en todo momento y apoyarte en el proceso de compra y escrituración de tu local comercial.

Pregunta por los precios y disponibilidades de cada piso, quedan pocos locales comerciales disponibles en Paseo Santa Lucía.

¡Estás a tiempo para invertir!

Tel. 951-127-13-80



Wednesday, June 28th, 2023

By Jessica Hernández

The world of real estate can be a bit complex for those who are just starting out in it, despite the fact that there are many technicalities that must be understood, this industry is full of learning, here are some curiosities that will surprise you and that will be the topic on the table in your future talks.

1.- The tallest building in Latin America and in Mexico is the Obispado Tower.

The use project for the tower is mixed since its facilities include offices, which occupy 56 floors, a 7- story Hilton Garden hotel, a commercial area, a business center, and 172 apartments of up to 315 square meters. In addition, it has amenities for its inhabitants such as a swimming pool, green areas, children’s games, grills, a sky gym, a sky lounge, and a sky bar.

2.- The Ritz Carlton is the best real estate project in México.

This building stands out for its architectural design, its strategic location, and its contribution to the environment since it has the LEED Core & Shell certification. It was awarded in 2022 as the best real estate project in the country. The ceremony was carried out by the Real Estate Developers Association. 

The project represented a total investment of 2,087 million pesos and generated 7,720 direct and 53,206 indirect jobs. And it consists of 58 floors with 153 rooms, luxury suites, and private residences, which offer panoramic views of the Chapultepec Forest, the main lung of the metropolis.

3.- Ben Caballero is the best real estate agent in the world.

An agent from the USA was mentioned in the record Guinness Book as the best real estate agent in the world, since in 2016 Caballero handled more than 3,500 home sales transactions for construction companies, properties valued at more than $1,400 USD million. His company handles an average of nearly 10 homes sold a day.

4.- The most sustainable building in the world is in New York.

One Bryant Park is considered the most sustainable building in the world, it was completed in 2009 and in 2010 received LEED Platinum Certification becoming the first office tower to achieve that level of excellence. Among its characteristics we can find: 

  • It has carbon dioxide monitors
  • LED lighting
  • At night it produces ice in 44 tanks located in its basement, which is used during the day to cool the air in the building.
  • Collects all rainwater in containers with a capacity of 329,000 gallons.
  • Said water is used to irrigate plants and fill the toilet boxes.
  • Later, an internal gray water plant treats it to be used to cool the tower, subsequently releasing it into the environment in a gaseous state, thus completing a cycle that returns to nature.

5.- Cairn de Barnenez is the oldest building in the world.

It is the oldest building in the world since it dates back to 4850 BC. Located in France, the Cairn de Barnenez belongs to the municipality of Plouezoc’h. It is also the largest megalithic mausoleum in Europe.


Friday, June 23rd, 2023

By Jessica Hernández

Known as the drink of the gods, tejate is the traditional elixir of Oaxaca. It is made from corn, cocoa, mamey bone, and cocoa flower. It is characterized by a lumpy foam formed by the cocoa flower.

Tejate originates in pre-Hispanic times, in the region of the central valleys, it was drunk in planting and harvest ceremonies. Its name in the Zapotec language is cu’hub, however, it is currently known as tejate, a word that comes from Nahuatl and means floury water (“textli”/dough and “atl”/water).

Thanks to the hard work of the Oaxacan women, especially from the community of San Andrés Huayapam, this delicious drink was not lost, its recipe was preserved by oral inheritance during the different generations from its creation to the present. Currently, every year the traditional tejate fair is held in this community, where Oaxacan women dedicated to the elaboration of this drink are placed in their stalls with their clay jars where the tejate is ready to be tasted by the thousands of local and foreign people who come to this tradition.

If you are passing through the state, we recommend you try this refreshing drink that will transport you to ancient times, then you will understand why it is called the drink of the gods, its flavor and texture really make it worthy of the name.