Innovation and technology in hospitality

Innovation and technology in hospitality
Innovation and technology in hospitality
July 5th, 2024 Sales Department

Hospitality is a constantly evolving industry, and technology plays a crucial role in this transformation. From process automation to service personalization, technological innovation is changing the way hotels operate and how guests enjoy their stays.

It is important to highlight that there are many ways to incorporate innovation and technology in the area of ​​hospitality. Below I will share with you some that today are considered essential to provide excellent service.


  1. PMS (Property Management System): is a hotel management software that allows you to optimize your commercial tasks, making operations more agile. The main benefits of installing a PMS on your property are:
        1. Integration with sales channels: Instantly receive bookings from all online and offline channels, which is essential to avoid failures and ensure agility in the operations process. Also, to enable hotel managers to offer amazing accommodation service to their guests.


        1. Business automation: prevents failures and ensures processes happen faster.


        1. Guarantee of an easy-to-use interface: it allows you to find and record information in a practical and intuitive way, becoming an ally of the team.


        1. Monitoring through strategic reports: helps the manager take more assertive strategies, improving the hotel’s visibility in the market.


      1. Being able to offer an innovative way for the hotel to engage with the guest: ensures agility and efficiency in its services.


    1. Booking Engine: If you are new or have not implemented a Booking Engine on your hotel website, you should know how this tool can help you depend less and less on OTAS to promote your reservations. This is because a booking engine allows customers to make reservations on the hotel’s website or social media, directly. Consequently, sales will be more profitable, since no commissions will be awarded. In addition to avoiding the possibilities of making manual errors or duplicate reservations, since the engine undergoes an integrated update in real time with other tools.


    1. Business Intelligence: Due to the great competitiveness and demand of the hotel sector, BI is an intelligent way to carry out assertive hotel management, keeping the hotel at the center of attention. The process goes through stages of collection, organization, data analysis and reports, constantly updated and monitored, which will help the hotel manager make decisions and monitor the results of the investments made in their property. In this way, it will be possible to collect data on the Internet and evaluate the impact of marketing strategies on your hotel.


    1. CRM System: Helps understand the needs of your guests, with technological solutions that collect information and promote actions related to consumer relationship strategies, thus contributing to the growth of your business. You must understand that satisfaction is linked to the entire process before, during and after the stay. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of the ways in which your hotel should use CRM in its marketing and customer relationship strategy.


    1. Digital Marketing: Faced with the contemporary scenario, investing in digital marketing strategies will help the hotel attract more guests, create relationships and develop a brand identity. Among the main digital marketing strategies for hotels are: creating a website and/or blog for your hotel, using Google services, email marketing and, of course, presence on social networks, such as Facebook and Instagram.


  1. Hotel management software: This technology is a desktop or web tool designed to help managers in the tourism and hospitality industry with procedures ranging from sales and reservation processes to managing a hotel’s tasks. Promotes cloud data storage and other essential features for efficient hotel management.

All of this may sound like a great investment of time and money. At SILMÉXICO we always care about bringing real solutions to our clients and regarding this issue, it is no exception. As we had already told a few episodes ago, at SILMÉXICO we made a strategic alliance with one of the most recognized hotel chains in the world: Best Western Hotel Group.

Best Western Hotel Group has implemented advanced technological solutions to offer a more comfortable and secure experience to its customers and to the hotels that decide to integrate its brand. From mobile apps that enable contactless check-in and check-out to artificial intelligence systems that personalize recommendations for activities and services, Best Western ensures it’s always one step ahead.

Adopting technology in hospitality not only improves the guest experience but also optimizes hotel operations. From using management software to optimize reservations and occupancy, to smart energy systems that reduce costs and consumption, the benefits are countless.

It is precisely in this part where I want to tell you about how if you are dedicated to hospitality, you can incorporate all this technology and innovation to your property by joining this renowned hotel chain.

A very important part to achieve the success of the project is the Marketing and Loyalty Strategy. BWH Hotels spends $70 million annually on global advertising campaigns and its various content channels (YouTube Channel and official blog), which encourage guests to travel and choose this chain for their stay.

BWH Hotels also makes use of some business intelligence tools such as:

Medallia: is a customer experience (CX) platform that helps companies capture and analyze feedback from customers, employees and other stakeholders in real time. Its primary purpose is to improve customer satisfaction and increase loyalty by understanding and acting on user experiences and opinions.

OTA INSIGHT: is a market intelligence platform for the hotel industry, designed to help hotels optimize their pricing, distribution and revenue management strategy.

STR: (Smith Travel Research) is a global data analysis and benchmarking company in the hotel industry. Founded in 1985, STR provides data and analysis on hotel performance, helping companies make informed decisions and improve their performance.

All of the above is used in order to provide the best advice to the brand’s member hotels. 

Innovation and technology are transforming the hospitality industry in exciting and beneficial ways. And Best Western Hotel Group is a leader in this field, proving that it is possible to offer an exceptional guest experience while generating the best revenue for your hotel.

If you are dedicated to the hospitality industry and need professional advice to grow your business and improve your income, come to SILMÉXICO, where our experts will help you achieve your growth goals. Don’t forget to follow us on all our social networks like SILMEXICO OAXACA and subscribe to our podcast on Spotify for more content and advice on the real estate sector.

New Trends in Real Estate and Hospitality: Innovative Business Models in Mexico

June 5, 2024 2024 Sales Department

The real estate and hospitality industry in Mexico is undergoing a significant transformation. Driven by changes in consumer preferences, technological advances and the recent global pandemic, companies in the sector are reevaluating their practices and strategies to adapt to new market demands. In this blog, we will explore the most innovative business models that are redefining hospitality in Mexico and analyze current trends in the real estate sector.

Vacation Properties and Short Term Rentals

One of the most innovative and booming models in the hospitality sector is vacation properties and short-term rentals. Platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo have revolutionized the way people travel and stay, allowing homeowners to rent out their properties to tourists and business travelers. These platforms offer a flexible and often cheaper alternative to traditional hotels.

In Mexico, popular tourist destinations such as the Riviera Maya, Los Cabos and Mazatlán have seen a significant increase in the supply of vacation properties. However, this model also presents challenges, especially in terms of regulation and competition with traditional hospitality. It is crucial that owners understand local laws and guest expectations to maximize their profitability and ensure a positive experience.

Boutique and Personalized Luxury Hotels

Another emerging model is that of personalized luxury and boutique hotels. These establishments focus on offering unique and personalized experiences to their guests, differentiating themselves from large hotel chains that are often perceived as impersonal. Customization can range from unique decor and design to exclusive services such as private butlers or dedicated chefs.

In Mexico, the boutique hotel trend has gained popularity in cities such as San Miguel de Allende, Tulum, and Mexico City. These hotels not only attract tourists, but also business travelers looking for a more enriching and personalized experience during their stay.

Some notable examples of these hotels in Mexico are: Kanan Tulum Hotel and Spa, Hotel El Ganzo in Los Cabos, Contemplation Resort and Spa in Valle de Guadalupe and Rosewood in San Miguel de Allende.

Challenges of Boutique Hotels

Operating a boutique hotel comes with unique challenges ranging from cost management to competing with large hotel chains. Below, we address some of the main challenges:

Cost and Financing Management:

Managing costs and financing can be a significant challenge. Boutique hotels, with their emphasis on customization and luxury, often require a considerable upfront investment for design and construction. Additionally, operating costs can be high due to the need to maintain high standards of service and quality.

Competition with Large Hotel Chains:

Although boutique hotels offer unique experiences, they must compete with large chains that can offer lower rates due to economies of scale. This requires boutique hotels to clearly differentiate themselves and position themselves in the market effectively.

Consistency in Service Quality:

Consistency in service quality is crucial. Due to their smaller size, boutique hotels rely heavily on quality of service to attract and retain guests. This requires constant staff training and meticulous focus on every detail of the operation.

Marketing and Visibility:

Unlike large chains that have substantial marketing and advertising budgets, boutique hotels must find creative and effective ways to promote themselves. This may include strategic use of social media, partnerships with influencers, and participation on specialized travel platforms.

Technological Adaptation:

Implementing and maintaining advanced technologies such as property management systems, automated check-in, and personalization tools require investments and technical knowledge. However, these technologies are crucial to improving operational efficiency and delivering a superior guest experience.

Current Trends in the Real Estate Sector in Mexico

The real estate industry in Mexico is seeing a series of changes and adaptations to the new market realities. Here are some of the most relevant trends:

Sustainability and Ecological Constructions

There is growing interest in developments that incorporate sustainable practices and green technologies. Consumers and developers are looking for buildings that reduce environmental impact, use renewable energy and offer green spaces.

Urbanization and Microurbanisms

Large cities such as Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey continue to expand, but there is also a focus on developing micro-urbanisms or smaller, self-sufficient communities within these cities. This seeks to reduce travel time and improve quality of life.

Multifunctional Housing

The pandemic has demonstrated the need for spaces that are adaptable to work, live and enjoy. Homes that offer flexibility in the use of their spaces are gaining popularity.

Investment in Vacation Properties

Key tourist destinations are seeing a boom in investment in holiday rental properties. This is driven by both domestic and international investors who see the potential for profitability in these markets.

Technology and Digitalization

From buying and selling properties to management and maintenance, technology is transforming every aspect of the real estate sector. Apps for virtual tours, digital contracts and property management are becoming more common.

Co-living and Co-working spaces

The trend of combining living and working spaces continues to grow, especially in cities with a high concentration of digital nomads and freelancers. These spaces offer community, flexibility and convenience.

Foreign Investments

Mexico continues to be an attractive destination for foreign investors, especially in the luxury tourist and residential real estate sector. The country’s relative economic stability and cultural and natural attractiveness drive this trend.


Innovation and adaptability are key in the real estate and hospitality industry in Mexico. New business models, such as vacation properties and boutique hotels, along with emerging trends in real estate, are shaping the future of the market. The challenges are significant, but the opportunities for those who know how to adapt and evolve are enormous.

Thank you for joining us in this analysis of trends and innovative business models in real estate and hospitality in Mexico. Stay informed and prepared to take advantage of the opportunities this dynamic sector offers.

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Best Western Hotel Group and SILMÉXICO join forces to develop the hotel market in Mexico

May 30, 2024 Sales Department

Last Wednesday, May 29, SILMÉXICO and Best Western Hotel Group celebrated the official presentation of their strategic alliance. In this agreement, SILMÉXICO assumes the role of national brand developer, marking the beginning of a promising collaboration in the Mexican hotel sector.

An Innovative Presentation Event

The event, which began punctually at 9 in the morning, was a breakfast-presentation that brought together various people interested in learning about BWH Hotels’ proposals for investors and hospitality professionals. Luis Alberto Tito, Director of Hotel Development in Latin America for BWH Hotels, led the presentation, providing all relevant information to attendees.

Innovation and Leadership in Hospitality

Best Western Hotels & Resorts and SILMÉXICO stand out for their commitment to excellence and innovation in hospitality. In this new phase, both companies seek to integrate visionary professionals into their team who share their passion for providing exceptional guest experiences. The initiative focuses on finding dedicated hospitality talent with a fresh perspective, to drive growth and evolution of the brand.

Why invest with Best Western Hotels & Resorts?

Best Western Hotels & Resorts is a global hotel chain with a strong reputation for its commitment to quality, service and innovation. With 19 brands and more than 4,700 hotels in more than 100 countries, the brand has established itself as an industry leader, offering a wide range of accommodation options that suit the needs and preferences of modern travelers.

Additionally, BWH Hotels offers:

-Analysis and monitoring of improvements

-An annual investment in marketing strategies of $70 million dollars

-Professional management of revenue management with business intelligence tools

-Great flexibility in your brands

-A competitive franchise cost in the market

Visits to Key Cities

The tour of presentations will cover several key cities in Mexico, starting in Oaxaca de Juárez. During these events, Best Western Hotels & Resorts representatives will conduct briefings and interviews to identify top talent in the industry. The visits will continue through Puerto Escondido, Huatulco, Guadalajara, Mexico City and Cancún, offering participants the opportunity to learn more about the company’s philosophy, its quality standards and the professional development opportunities available.

Requirements and Participation

The call is open to all hospitality professionals who have relevant industry experience, leadership skills and an innovative approach to hospitality management. Those interested in participating can find more information about the following dates and cities in the official SILMÉXICO media: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and at

Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of one of the most promising alliances in the hotel industry!