Thursday, August 7, 2023, By Jessica Hernández, Real Estate Advisor & Marketing Analyst in SILMÉXICO
The construction permit is with which authorization is requested from the government either to modify, repair, expand, install, demolish or build a property. On the contrary, if the process of said permit is not carried out, you may be creditor of sanctions such as the definitive closure of the work.
The construction permit not only applies to the construction of homes, buildings, premises, warehouses, but also to make changes to the street, such as sidewalks. In this case, the permit is even more important, since it would be modifying a space that It is for shared use and is paid for by the citizens themselves with their taxes.
How is this permission obtained?
In Mexico there is a government institution that is in charge of granting the construction permit, this is the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, in the same way this permit is granted through the mayors or municipalities to which the land or site belongs, wherever want to build, or make modifications.
Once the permit has been granted, the construction will have a limited time to finish, which must be respected in the same way, otherwise a fine can also be credited.
It is important to highlight that construction permits vary according to the size of the work to be carried out, they are differentiated by minor works and major works. Likewise, a building permit will not be the same if the construction will take place in natural areas or reserves, such as coastal areas.

What are the necessary documents to process the construction permit?
- Land use permit.
- Deed or property title registered in the Public Registry of Property.
- Proof of payment of Property Tax for the fiscal year in which the request is made.
- Drinking water contract or receipt.
- Road and access Geometric Design Plan, calculation of the number of parking spaces.
- Plan endorsed by the Municipal Coordination of Civil Protection.
- Geotechnical study and plans with the specifications, in case the project generates soil stability alteration conditions.
- Construction project with indications in accordance with the regulatory code.
- Plan of the structural and foundation design signed by the expert in the matter.
- Structural calculation signed by an expert in the matter, attaching a copy of his professional certificate.
- Plans of electrical, hydraulic, special, sanitary and gas installations, with their respective descriptive and calculation reports.
- Approval of the location and land use of the construction, in accordance with the provisions of the Territorial Code.
- Power of attorney to carry out the process or notarized Power of Attorney in case the owner does not sign the application.
- Valid official identification with photograph of the owner.
- Current official identification with photograph of the person processing.
- Request letter signed by the expert, in which he presents his registration as Project Manager and, in turn, must sign all the plans with his expert number.
- Vo.Bo. of the Drinking Water and Sewerage System, in case the project has a swimming pool and/or micro treatment plant (septic tank).
- Study of visuals of the public road and adjoining areas in which it is demonstrated that the existing levels of the environment are respected, and that the sunlight and ventilation of the neighboring properties are not obstructed. Carried out by the expert responsible for the work.
- Evaluation of the Environmental Impact Statement or respective risk study, Civil Protection Opinion and Urban Compatibility Study, with a positive resolution, in the case of the construction of gasoline, diesel and/or carburetion service stations.
- Conformity document of the Ministry of Energy, in the case of carburetion stations for the supply of L.P. Gas.

Can you build without a permit?
The only works that can be carried out without a construction permit are those carried out by the government in order to make improvements to the infrastructure that provide benefits to society.
In the event that construction begins without permission, as mentioned at the beginning of this section, you may be subject to a fine, which will only generate extra and unnecessary expenses within the budget allocated to the work, in addition to third parties, such as construction workers, would also be affected.
At SILMÉXICO we are used to carrying out construction projects from scratch, taking care of every single detail, from the processing of the corresponding permits, to the delivery of the final product.
For advice about our construction services, call 9511271380, write to info@silmexico, or visit our offices in Oaxaca City and Santa María Huatulco.