Preferential places to live in Oaxaca | SILMEXICO

LLMI. Jessica Hernández
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores  Perezi
Facebook: Dolores Pérez Islas


The state of Oaxaca is without a doubt a dream destination, not only for vacationing but also for living. The mix between its gastronomic diversity, flora and fauna, its traditions and archaeological sites positioned it within UNESCO, granting it the title of Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 1987.

It is well known that more and more nationals and, above all, foreign populations are moving to live here. According to data released by INEGI, in the last five years, the largest foreign population that entered the state is from the United States (17.7k) and Canada (163 people). Among the reasons for which they immigrate to the country are family first, work second, legal third, personal fourth, and lastly economic and educational.

Regarding family reasons, it is because most of them already have family residing in the State for a long time.

Now, in this article, we will talk about the areas that the population prefers and positions as the best places to live in Oaxaca.



San Andrés Huayapam

Cradle of the ancient drink called “the drink of the gods” the “tejate”, and located just 13 km from the city of Oaxaca, this community is surrounded by nature, where you can enjoy serene afternoons admiring from your home the mountains of the northern sierra, and where you can also appreciate the views offered by its two dams, its river and other waterfalls that form in the rainy season. Every year the famous “Tejate Fair” takes place in the town, which attracts hundreds of locals and foreigners to taste the exquisite drink. Definitely a highly demanded place to live due to the tranquility it offers.

Colonia Reforma

Located to the north of the city, the Reforma neighborhood is in demand by those who like modern life and nightlife, because here you will find shopping malls, stores, and nightlife centers. On this site there are houses of modern and sophisticated style. An excellent option to live, since it is located near the historic center.


The iconic Jalatlaco neighborhood, ranked as the most beautiful in the city, is undoubtedly a place that will leave you amazed. Walking through its cobblestone streets and seeing its quarry and adobe buildings transport you to colonial times. Its beautiful facades decorated with murals made by local and national artists invite you to take thousands of photographs. It is a quiet and central place, full of colors, traditions and culture. Ideal for those who love to be in contact with traditions and who enjoy being outside the bustle of the city. Nothing is missing from this neighborhood; you can find everything from local shops to large restaurants and cafes. Let yourself be surprised by its architectural beauty and the warmth of its inhabitants.


Renowned for its beautiful arches dating from the 18th century, this neighborhood is located just a few minutes from the historic center of Oaxaca. In it you can find different types of restaurants and artisan shops. Its cobbled and colorful streets are perfect for enjoying pleasant afternoon walks. The style of the houses in this place is totally an architectural jewel, since old houses and colonial mansions are still preserved.

Talixtac de Cabrera

Located 10 km from the city, this community borders Santa María El Tule and San Sebastián Tutla. It is a quiet place, away from the hubbub that characterizes the city. The houses in this place are spacious, with large gardens and some with swimming pools, in addition, they offer beautiful views of the mountains that surround the central valleys. It is ideal for those who prefer serenity and contact with nature.

Historic center

The historic center is also one of the favorite places for foreigners to live. This logically due to the proximity to the different attractive sites; museums, restaurants, banks, entertainment venues, galleries, and many more businesses.

Due to the high demand, unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer properties on the market in this area. Well, the architectural structure of its buildings, mostly old, as well as the hubbub of its traditions, and its exquisite gastronomy, make foreign visitors fall in love with it, who either for family, work or personal reasons come to the city, decide to reside here.

If you wish to get more information about properties for sale and rent in these areas, do not hesitate to visit any of our offices located at Xicoténcatl 120, Centro and at Sabinos 711, Col. Reforma. SILMEXICO, the experts in Real Estate.

Written by: Jessica Hernández

Kinds of properties in Oaxaca | SILMEXICO

LLMI. Jessica Hernández
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores  Perezi
Facebook: Dolores Pérez Islas

Oaxaca is a state rich in culture, traditions and ecosystems that attract thousands of tourists each year, it is a state that offers multiple investment options in real estate, being a very profitable option for local and mainly foreign investors. In Oaxaca there are different types of properties that you should consider and that your real estate agent should advise you before making a formal purchase offer.

If you are close to acquiring a property in the state, here we show you the different types that you can find and their characteristics.

Private: according to article 4 of the first chapter of the Law of assets belonging to the State of Oaxaca, those that currently belong to it as property or that in the future will enter into its patrimony are property owned or owned by the State Government. To the Law and vacant property. And, according to article 18º in the third chapter of the Private Domain Real Estate, the private domain assets belonging to the State patrimony, can be the object of all the contracts regulated by common law.

The owners of said private property have full legal power, to use it for the purpose they wish, either for their leisure or to give it a purpose of economic exploitation.


Ejidal: according to article 43 of the Agrarian Lawlands belonging to ejidos and therefore subject to the relative provisions of this law are those that have been endowed to the ejido population center or incorporated into the ejidal regime. That is to say, these do not have a single owner, they belong to the government, since they are lands lent to peasants, who have permission to work them. Likewise, in article 45 of the same, it is mentioned that these may be the object of any association or use contract entered into by the ejido population nucleus or titular ejidatarios.

It is important to note that ejido lands have their origins in the Mexican Revolution, this to ensure that the neediest rural population had access to land to cultivate and live. With the passage of time, the agrarian law has undergone reforms in order to benefit the peasants, until today it has fewer restrictions, thus allowing the peasants to make use of the land for free sale in the market.

Comunal: they are lands that do not belong directly to the exploitation and in which communal rights apply. These are owned by the state, autonomous community or neighboring entities. Its control is exercised by the assembly of community members, elected by the traditional authorities of the community.


If you are planning to invest in a property in the state and you are not sure what type it is, contact a real estate expert to have the information on the property, you can contact us to help you throughout the buying and selling process, SILMÉXICO is an expert real estate company that has all the necessary areas to carry out a successful sale.

If you are a foreigner and want to invest in Mexico, contact us to find out about the processes for acquiring real estate in Mexican territory, as well as the property options that we have exclusively for purchase and rent.

If you are an investor, we have the best real estate consultancy in Mexico, we create trusts, companies and strategies to successfully carry out a real estate investment.


Visit our website and contact us.

¿Por qué comprar en preventa? | SILMEXICO

Rubiceli Torres
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores  Perezi
Facebook: Dolores Pérez Islas

Al tomar la decisión de comprar una propiedad en preventa es garantía de plusvalía, los expertos en inversión inmobiliaria señalan que adquirir propiedades desde preventa cuando el inmueble aún no está construido se generan casos de éxito, donde los compradores recuperan su inversión en menos de 3 años aproximadamente.

Las preventas inmobiliarias nos dan la posibilidad de comprar bienes inmuebles a plazos, ahora bien, ¿qué es una preventa?, se dice que es la oferta de comprar un inmueble que se construirá en un tiempo determinado, por lo tanto, el tiempo promedio para la entrega de una preventa puede ser desde 12 meses hasta 18 meses. Un ejemplo de ello son las propiedades en preventa en la ciudad de Oaxaca, de los cuales en su mayoría son desarrollos, entre los principales se encuentra PSL Paseo Santa Lucia, un centro comercial moderno con espacios abiertos y con diseño espectacular, que tiene 32 locales comerciales en preventa con un  retorno de inversión muy atractivo, este desarrollo inmobiliario es comercializado por SILMÉXICO INVESTMENT PROPERTIES en la ciudad de Oaxaca.

Pues bien, una de las principales ventajas de comprar en preventa es que los precios tienden a ser más bajos en el arranque, además según la etapa en la que se encuentre la construcción, las desarrolladoras ofrecen descuentos entre el 10% y 30%. En estos casos el agente de ventas puede estructurar esquemas de pagos flexibles.


¿Qué otro detalle es importante en estas operaciones?

Comprar en preventa amplía las posibilidades de elegir un modelo de ubicación y modelo de acuerdo a tus preferencias. Ahora bien, comprar una casa en proceso de construcción puede ser una gran ventaja, tendrás tiempo suficiente para realizar la mudanza, comprar muebles nuevos y elegir la que más te guste.

Sin embargo, debes saber si el precio que te están ofreciendo en preventa es accesible , lo primero que debes de hacer es calcular el precio por m2 del inmueble así como el total de metros cuadrados de la propiedad. Invertir tu dinero en un inmueble nuevo es una decisión muy importante, a continuación, lee las principales ventajas de invertir en un inmueble en preventa.

1.La garantía al momento de adquirirlo tiene mejor calidad y durabilidad con garantías nuevas y estructurales al desarrollo a diferencia de lo que existe en el mercado abierto, y se genera un mayor retorno de inversión.

2.Una preventa puede construir un precio menor entre los 10% y 20% menos que una propiedad ya terminada, entre menos avance de la obra mayor será el ahorro. 3. La mayor plusvalía es consecuencia del ahorro que se hace al comprar en preventa, pues ya que cuando el proyecto esté terminado el valor se elevara hasta un 10% a 20% lo que representa el ahorro inicial, cuando el inmueble ya esté terminado la plusvalía continuará en un incremento.

Si estás pensando invertir tu dinero de manera inteligente contacta a SILMEXICO INVESTMENT PROPERTIES expertos inmobiliarios que te puedan asesorar y brindar las mejores opciones de preventa en la actualidad y quienes pueden brindarte un amplio asesoramiento en bienes raíces.

Consultoría inmobiliaria SILMEXICO

Jessica Rodriguez
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores  Perezi
Facebook: Dolores Pérez Islas

SilMéxico es una consultoría inmobiliaria en donde ofrecemos servicios especializados en bienes raíces. El extenso conocimiento que cada uno de nuestros integrantes posee en la materia y experiencia nos respaldan. Nuestra experiencia nos permite guiar a los clientes en el proceso de vender o adquirir un bien inmueble.

Son distintas las actividades que llevamos a cabo, pues vamos más allá del corretaje tradicional. Hablemos entonces de las funciones que desempeñamos en SilMéxico.


  • * Nos encargamos de buscar y encontrar la mejor opción de acuerdo a tus necesidades y presupuesto, es decir la opción que resulte más rentable.
  • * Asimismo, cumplimos también con la realización de análisis de mercado, esto dará la pauta para saber precios por metros cuadrados dependiendo de la zona y así poder dar datos certeros al cliente.
  • * La planeación y ejecución de campañas de marketing inmobiliario, sin lugar a dudas son igual de importantes. Nuestros planes publicitarios son los que impulsan a las propiedades enlistadas para que su venta sea más rápida.
  • * Te guiamos y acompañamos hasta el final, es decir, hasta el cierre de la compra/ venta y firma del contrato Para ello, contamos con conocimientos amplios referente a la compra-venta de inmuebles, ya que nuestra área legal está integrada por profesionales expertos en el tema.
  • * Por último, además de todo el conocimiento, nuestros agentes poseen cualidades fundamentales; capacidad de negociación, persuasión, comunicación asertiva y empatía, las cuales serán el puente para la relación con todas las partes implicadas en los procesos de bienes raíces, para así cerrar las operaciones exitosamente.


En SilMéxico cuidamos cada uno de los detalles, creamos soluciones inmobiliarias para preparar a nuestros clientes para su próximo paso para invertir. Recuerda que el real estate es la forma más segura de invertir, pues los inmuebles no se devalúan con el paso del tiempo, al contrario, aumentan su valor, asegurándote así un retorno sobre la inversión.

Acquisition of properties in Mexico by foreigners.

Dolores Pérez Islas
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores  Perezi
Facebook: Dolores Pérez Islas

Every time there are more foreigners who want to acquire properties in Mexico, either to live or to invest. Well, if you are foreigner and your intention is to buy real estate in the country, here is important information you must know and take into account.

Fraction I of the Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution stipulates that only Mexican people, either by birth or naturalization and the Mexican societies, will be able to acquire de dominion of lands and get the license for the exploration and exploitation of mines and waters in Mexican territory.  However, the State will be able to grant foreigners the same right as long as they agree in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores) by considering themselves as Mexican Nationals and in waiving to appeal the protection of the Government of their country of origin, under the sentence, in case of breaking the covenant, all rights to such property shall be reverted to the Nation.


A foreign individual or company may directly own land in Mexico except in what is described by Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution as the “restricted zone.” A zone within one hundred kilometers (sixty-one miles) of the international border and fifty kilometers (thirty-one miles) of the seacoast.

Foreign individuals or companies and Mexican companies 100% owned by foreigners may purchase of real estate for residential purposes within this “restricted zone” has to be through a trust fund for fifty years. In this kind of trust fund the bank will retain the property title but the foreigner is the beneficiary and may use and enjoy such premises and may sell or even inherit the rights to it. However, all operations regarding the property must be notified and approved by the bank.

In this order of ideas, the nationals of those countries with which Mexico does not maintain diplomatic relations and who intend to acquire real estate outside the restricted zone, must present to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a document in which they agree to the provisions of section I of article 27 of the Constitution to acquire real estate outside the restricted zone and obtain the corresponding permit from this agency, in accordance with the first paragraph of article 10-A of the Foreign Investment Law.In case of doubt if the property is inside or outside the restricted area, the SRE must consult the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).

The acquisition may be done personally or through an agent with representation (power of attorney valid according to Mexican laws).

Fuente: Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, Convenio de renuncia para la adquisición de bienes inmuebles fuera de zona restringida. De

Aspects to consider when investing in Real Estate for the first time

Dolores Pérez Islas
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores  Perezi
Facebook: Dolores Pérez Islas

Real Estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor it can be carried away. Purchased with common sense and, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world.

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

At present, the Real Estate sector is one of the biggest supports of the Mexican economy. Every time, more and more people are betting on investing in it. There are many advantages it brings: possess a high capital gain, a safe return on investment, the support to the local economy and stability and you will find multiples options of properties.

So, if you are thinking in investing in Real Estate, we present you here some aspects to consider, so that in this way your first investment is carried out in the best possible way.

1.- Set your budget.

This is the most important aspect, since it is which will define the property you will have access to, whereby, if you think your budget is not enough yet, we recommend you to wait and save up more until you get a considerable quantity.

2.- Be patience, contemplate the time.

if your idea is to sell your property you should know this will take time. To generate capital gain, you have to wait for some years, it value will increase and then, it will be the appropriate moment to sell it.

3.- Look over the details with maximum security. 

When acquiring a property, make sure all the documents are in order, free of lien, registered in the public registry, etc. This will get you out of trouble in the future.

4.- Invest in presale.

The most attractive option to invest, since when you acquire a property in presale (in an early stage of construction) you will pay a lower price, giving you the opportunity to generate a greater capital gain when the construction concluded. For that, it is preferable to do research about the developer who offers the property in order to make sure about the reliability of the purchase.

5.- Make of the “location, location, location”.

The location of the property is essential; however, it also depends on the use you want for the estate. If it is a commercial local, the ideal is that it is located in ideally, it should be in an area with a large flow of people. On the other hand, if your desire is to sell a house for a family with kids, maybe, the most viable will be a calm zone with nearby schools and parks.

6.- Consider to buy for remodeling and selling.

This can be an unattractive option, nevertheless, experts point out you can get even a 30% of utilities.

7.- Invest to rent in a higher price.

As its name indicates, you can purchase a property to rent it later, for that, take into account that maybe you will have to invest a little bit more to make some adjustments to increase its value.

Well, these are the most relevant points when investing in Real Estate. Remember to get organize everything and take your process from the hand of experts on the subject, as well as choose the option that best suits with your budget.

Paseo Santa Lucia un nuevo concepto en centro comerciales

Dolores Pérez Islas
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores  Perezi
Facebook: Dolores Pérez Islas

Ubicado entre la Carretera Internacional #802 y la calle niño perdido, Paseo Santa Lucía es un nuevo concepto en centros comerciales en la ciudad de Oaxaca. Sus tres niveles: planta baja, primer piso y roof garden, están diseñados de tal manera que sus visitantes disfruten de un ambiente tranquilo, al aire libre y rodeado de espacios verdes. Su dinamismo y diseño sustentable lo convierten en un centro comercial único en la ciudad. Debido a su localización en una zona muy concurrida, que es un punto estratégico que conecta hacia el centro y sus alrededores, así como a otros destinos de atracción, es el sitio ideal para acudir con familia amigos, o pareja a disfrutar de una convivencia, con distintos comercios ya sea para ir de compras, disfrutar de un café o postre, degustar una comida en uno de los restaurantes o relajarte en el bar. ¿Te preocupa el espacio seguro para tus hijos? Descuida, también encontrarás un área infantil en donde los más pequeños del hogar podrán también divertirse. Ahora bien, si lo que buscas es un lugar al cual acudir y distraerte, pero sin dejar de lado a tu compañero fiel, Paseo Santa Lucía es perfecto, pues con su condición pet friendly tú y tu mascota podrán pasar más tiempo juntos.

Además de establecimientos para distintos gustos e intereses, también cuenta con estacionamiento subterráneo. Cada piso se conecta a través de elevadores y escaleras, así como rampas para permitir el acceso a personas con movilidad reducida.

Por otro lado, si lo que estás buscando es invertir en un local comercial, Paseo Santa Lucía es tu mejor opción, pues como se mencionó anteriormente se encuentra en una zona de alta plusvalía y concurrida, situación favorable para tu negocio. Ya sea para venta o renta, puedes aprovechar los precios que se manejan en temporada de preventa.

Su ubicación, la distribución de sus espacios, las amenidades y su equilibrio entre lo sustentable y calidad de sus materiales, convierten a este centro comercial en una excelente oportunidad de inversión segura y un espacio inigualable para la recreación.

Contact us 951-127-13-80

All foreign residents in Mexico will soon be required to have a tax number due to a recent tax reform.

Dolores Pérez Islas
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores  Perezi
Facebook: Dolores Pérez Islas

Temporary and permanent residents aged 18 or over or anyone with a CURP identity number must have an RFC number by July 1 whether they earn income in Mexico or not.

The change will help the government spot money laundering and other illegal financial transactions.

  1. make an appointment at your nearest SAT office via the agency’s online portal (Spanish only).
  1. After requesting an appointment (registrar cita) and choosing the option for an individual taxpayer (persona física) you will be required to enter your CURP number, which appears on residency cards, as well as your full name and email address
  1. Select the service for which you’d like to make an appointment, the state in which you live and the office at which you would like to lodge your application.
  1. You will either be able to schedule an appointment on the page’s virtual calendar or be told that no appointments are available and given the option to join a fila virtual or virtual line. By entering your email address you will be sent a “token” – an alphanumeric code – that can be used to join the virtual line.
  1. You will then receive an email confirming you are in the virtual line and advising you to monitor your email for an appointment date and time. On the day of your appointment, you will need to take a variety of documents to the SAT office.

A valid migration document, i.e. a residency card.

  1. Proof of address, such as a bank statement, electricity bill or rental contract.
  2. A passport.

Another bureaucratic requirement of foreigners once they have an RFC number is to obtain a document called Constancia de Situación Fiscal (Proof of Fiscal/Tax Situation). That document will be required by any foreigners doing business in Mexico, even if that business is simply being an electricity, water or internet customer.

Are you looking for properties in Oaxaca? We have the best properties to invest in Oaxaca.

Contact us 951-127-13-80

(SAT) Service tax administration.


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