Monday, July 17, 2023

By Jessica Hernández

As explained in a previous article, different mechanisms can be used to acquire properties in México. One of them is the creation of a Mexican corporation, which is the matter of this article. 

A Mexican corporation: as of 1995, foreigners can own, operate and manage Mexican companies, however, some restrictions remain on the activities in which a Mexican company can participate when foreigners are involved, such as mining, airports, and telecommunications; however, the general rule is 100% participation. No investment restrictions exist on foreign-owned companies that purchase and develop the property. Mexican corporations require a minimum of two associates or shareholders. Both shareholders can be foreigners, and having a Mexican partner is unnecessary.  

There are several different types of Mexican corporations, however, the two most common are the S.A. de C.V. and the S. de R.L. de C.V. The S.A. de C.V. is a stock corporation, and S. de R.L. de C.V. resembles a limited liability company. Choosing the type of corporation to establish is essential for tax purposes in both the US and Mexico.

Once your Mexican company is formed, you can acquire property anywhere in Mexico, including the restricted zone. Property acquisition is also a “formal” procedure, and you must ensure that all the proper steps are accomplished to secure the title, that is why this process should be carried out with professionals in the area. 

If you are about to acquire a property in Mexican lands, visit us at to know more about this and other services SILMÉXICO offers and become a Mexican property owner.

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