Day of the death in Oaxaca: a cultural treasure

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dolores Pérez Islas
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores  Perezi
Facebook: Dolores Pérez Islas

Oaxaca, Cultural Heritage of the Humanity, is a state with a vast gastronomic diversity, touristic attractions, indigenous languages and traditions that delight locals and strangers.

The traditions in Oaxaca are the result of the mixture of indigenous ancestral customs and the new practices that the Spanish brought with them. One of them, and without doubt, the most significant, is the day of the dead, which is part of Mexican folklore, however, it is in Oaxaca where it is lived in a unique way.

So, let’s talk about what this emblematic tradition consists of. This is celebrated on the first and second of November, where according to the belief of the original peoples, the souls of those who are no longer on the earthly plane with us return to visit us. Through the years, and with the influence of the Spanish, this tradition was modified until what we know today with the assembly of the traditional altar of the dead, where fruits such as tangerines, jícamas, peanuts and cane are placed. Food such as the exquisite mole, hot chocolate and the traditional bread of the dead, in turn, the altar is adorned with the beautiful cempasúchil flower with yellow-orange petals with an enchanting scent. Its purpose is that when the souls of our deceased come, they can taste everything that has been put in it, for this reason their favorite foods that they enjoyed in life, a glass of mezcal, are also placed, all this accompanied by their photos.

It is also customary that on these dates people go to the cemetery to visit their graves to bring them flowers and candles, which will be their guide on their return. Last but not least, in this celebration the “comparsas” also take place, which are a kind of parade of people dancing and wearing different costumes alluding to the date.

This, with other cultural activities promoted in the state, is what is experienced in this beautiful tradition, considered a party in the memory of our deceased where they are remembered with nostalgia, but also with joy.

Traditions, gastronomy, touristic places, architecture, and much more is what Oaxaca offers the world, which is why it has become one of the best places to live, positioning itself as one of the most important states to invest in real estate.

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6 preguntas que debes de plantear a tu agente cuando compras en preventa

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dolores Pérez Islas
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores  Perezi
Facebook: Dolores Pérez Islas

Al momento de adquirir una propiedad entran en juego distintas cuestiones, como clientes, y más si se es primerizo, pueden surgir muchas dudas o aspectos que desconocemos pero que son muy importantes en el proceso de compra- venta, más aún cuando se adquiere una propiedad en preventa, lo cual se refiere a comercializar el inmueble cuando este se encuentra aún en construcción. Es por ello que aquí te presentamos 6 preguntas clave, que debes plantear a tu agente de ventas, para que de esta manera puedas aprovechar al máximo tu inversión.

En primer lugar, tenemos la pregunta básica y obligada; ¿qué incluye el precio? Estacionamiento, acabados y de qué tipo, amenidades, qué características, equipamiento, etc. Es muy importante conocer en sí por qué estás pagando lo que estás pagando.

Número dos, ¿cuáles son los cargos de la propiedad o cuotas de mantenimiento? cuando se opta por adquirir un bien inmueble en un régimen condominal generalmente existen cuotas adicionales de mantenimiento para áreas comunes y demás.

Número tres, ¿cuáles son las etapas de la construcción? Se debe considerar en paralelo el presupuesto que se tiene conforme va avanzando la construcción. Es esencial conocer las fases y preguntar al agente las fechas específicas de ellas para que el cliente también tenga la certitud de que se realizará la entrega y recepción del inmueble en el tiempo establecido.

La siguiente pregunta está ligada al cómo se llevará a cabo la entrega- recepción y está, así mismo, relacionada a la pregunta número 1, el cliente debe tener la seguridad de que lo que se les describió previamente es exactamente lo que se les está entregando finalmente. Todo ello vendrá especificado en la carta de intención.

La pregunta número 5 es ¿cuáles son las características del inmueble? Relacionada también a la pregunta número uno, metros cuadrados de terreno, de construcción, con cuántos espacios cuenta, qué materiales serán utilizados, y es aquí cuando entran las garantías del desarrollador.

Y, por último, pero igual de importante, ¿qué pasa si la propiedad no se entrega en tiempo y forma en la fecha señalada en el contrato? ¿cuáles son las penalizaciones, cuándo me lo entregarían, qué garantías tengo sobre la posición? Si bien es cierto que cada caso es diferente, hay estándares muy básicos que no deben faltar en el contrato de compra- venta y que amparan al cliente en caso de que el desarrollador no realice la entrega según lo acordado.

Es por ello que es importante estar acompañado de un notario, abogado o experto en la materia que te guíe en el proceso y analice todo lo correspondiente a escrituras, contrato, régimen condominal y que todo sea legal. En SilMéxico, expertos en Real Estate, podemos orientarte para que tú solo te encargues de disfrutar de tu nueva adquisición.

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Incumplimiento de contrato en transacciones de Real Estate

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dolores Pérez Islas
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores  Perezi
Facebook: Dolores Pérez Islas

Sabemos que el Real Estate es un todo que comprende muchas especificaciones y cuestiones a considerar. El hecho de vender y/o rentar una propiedad es un asunto serio y debe ser tomado como tal por las partes implicadas.

En este proceso de compra- venta se lleva a cabo la elaboración de un contrato, carta de intenciones, entre otros documentos que contienen las obligaciones y derecho tanto del comprador como del vendedor. Sin embargo, en ocasiones por cuestiones ajenas a los participantes, se puede suscitar un incumplimiento de dicho contrato, creando así un ambiente de desacuerdo y en ocasiones extremas, acciones legales. Un claro ejemplo de situaciones que podrían promover esta informalidad es la pandemia por COVID- 19 de la que hoy en día las sociedades de todo el mundo continúan recuperándose. Es del dominio público que esta enfermedad vino a afectar significativamente la economía, y siendo el sector inmobiliario uno de los grandes pilares en México, las consecuencias se hicieron notar, retrasando así procesos, desencadenando también la inflación. Otro ejemplo a citar son cuestiones de pagos mediante bancos internacionales, intercambio de documentación con notarios, abogados, etc. Todas estas externalidades pueden generar este descontento entre Los miembros del convenio. No obstante, la ley en México considera los casos de fuerza mayor.

Cuando se da el caso que alguno de los integrantes no cumple con sus obligaciones establecidas en el contrato, es importante primero establecer mesas de diálogo, en donde los partícipes lleguen a acuerdos que inviten a la parte en cuestión a efectuar sus deberes. La resolución del conflicto será pacífica y beneficiosa en cuanto, tanto vendedor como comprador, estén dispuestos a negociar fuera de la corte, pues siempre se debe dar prioridad a la etapa de mediación antes de recurrir a un juicio.

Ahora bien, si ya se han agotado todas las posibilidades, y sí lo más viable es llegar al litigio, se debe ser consciente que este puede ser un proceso largo, tedioso y desgastante no solo económicamente, sino también emocionalmente. Considerando también demás detalles que implican la acción legal, como, por ejemplo, generar un poder que otorgue el consentimiento al abogado para ser el representante en todo el procedimiento, y cómo se mencionó anteriormente, tener la certeza de que se tiene la capacidad financiera para afrontarlo, entre otros.

Lo más importante y sano, es instaurar negociaciones mediante la comunicación asertiva, ya que el hecho de llevar a juicio la resolución del conflicto, no garantiza que los resultados sean favorables para la parte afectada.

Recuerda siempre asesorarte por expertos en la materia. En SilMéxico contamos con un equipo jurídico capacitado que te guiará hacia la mejor decisión para que tu proceso concluya de la mejor manera y sin promover más conflictos.

Are you looking for real estate investment in Oaxaca?

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The real estate and its rapid adaptation to market trends

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dolores Pérez Islas
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores  Perezi
Facebook: Dolores Pérez Islas

It is not a secret to anyone that the pandemic brought about changes in all sectors, thus forcing the world population to adapt to it. Such is the case of Real Estate, which is already showing signs of adaptation in a post-pandemic world.

Currently, demographic redistribution, new generations with their different needs and tastes, as well as ways of working, as well as the new normality, among others, have generated a natural demand for housing with larger spaces and adapted to the factors already mentioned, which has brought with it new trends. For example, people look for residences and/or developments not only to establish their home or business, but also to consider environmental awareness, energy efficiency, a variety of spaces and that it is also profitable, among many other requirements.

Real estate development has a direct impact on the economy derived from the high investment for the development of new spaces in the different types of real estate, attracting both local and foreign investment to the country.

It is important to mention that the real estate sector is one of the pillars of the Mexican economy, according to Alejandro Blé, director of Coldwell Banker: “We have seen that what has undoubtedly maintained the economy is the real estate sector, it is something that, without a doubt, although it has paused in certain aspects, it has remained stable. Since 2020, 11% of GDP came from the real estate industry, also the maintenance of low interest rates and financial conditions have been quite accessible and the government’s plans to reactivate the industry sector have also helped “(El economista, 2022).

Hence the importance of this industry, since every activity requires real estate.

We are aware that the fear of investors is to put their assets at risk in a period of high uncertainty in the face of the promise of a profound change in the way of being, thinking and living of the new generations that participate in the market. That is why, those of us who are immersed in this sector, see it as imperative to reinvent ourselves and continue to focus our efforts in order to identify the preferences that consumers demand and guide them in achieving their goals.

Are you looking for real estate investment in Oaxaca?

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How to invest in real estate in Oaxaca being foreigner

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dolores Pérez Islas
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores  Perezi
Facebook: Dolores Pérez Islas

Investing in the real estate has become one of the best-known ways to achieve financial freedom. This process is carried out by investing capital in one or more properties with the purpose of getting profits.

Global Property Guide holds that Mexico in the year 2021 ranked in the index of Latin-American countries with the highest growth rate in the value of the properties for sale. The main advantages of investing in real estate in Mexico is that the cost of living is lower than in other countries, according to research carried out in the real estate sector, the cost of living in Mexico can be cheaper compared to the United States and Canada. If your desire is to buy a house in Mexico, you will only need an estimation of 1,300 USD per month to cover the necessary such as entertainment, among others.

While it is true that Mexico is a low-cost place to invest in real estate, especially foreigners, tourism is synonymous with profit. It seems that the growth in the real estate sector has been a sector of weight for foreigners when buying a home, however, there is no unanimous type of home desired by foreigners. According to studies, the trend oscillates between options such as lofts and apartments.

In Mexico there are restricted areas which are territories located less than 100 km from a land border or less than 50km, these kinds of lands cannot be acquired by foreigners. Now, do foreigners pay duties? Well, there are taxes to be paid in the purchase or sale of lands. The selling part must cover the corresponding duties, which in this case are the ISR (Income tax) and the declaration of selling of the property.

There are distinct options of investing in real estate. Silmexico Real Estate Oaxaca is a renowned company in investment and consultancy which allows to develop plans in different periods. So, if you are a foreigner and want to invest, we can advise and offer you excellent real estate opportunities.

Are you looking for real estate investment in Oaxaca?

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Real Estate Market in Oaxaca

Dolores Pérez Islas
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores  Perezi
Facebook: Dolores Pérez Islas

Oaxaca increased 49% in its real estate demand in the first quarter of 2021 versus the first quarter of 2020, occupying the 13th position at the national level in the ranking of the states with the highest growth in demand for residential, commercial, industrial, office properties.

According to figures from the real estate platform Lamudi, the online real estate OFFER in Oaxaca is distributed as shown in the graph.

The type of operation with the highest demand in Oaxaca is Residential (47.7%), Land (37.6%) followed by commercial.

In the residential subsector, supply is divided into house sales (84.6%), house rentals (15.4%), apartment sales (62.1%) and apartment rentals (37.9%).

Regarding the digital DEMAND for the sale and rental of properties in Oaxaca, Oaxaca ranks 19th nationally in these operations.

  • In sales and rental operations, online real estate demand is distributed in this way in Oaxaca.
  • Where the Residential (58.8%), Land (33.9%) and Commercial (4.8%) operations stand out.

The panorama that the Lamudi platform shows us at the beginning of 2022 was one of growth in real estate transactions, although the trend continues to rise due to the strength that Oaxaca has taken as one of the most important tourist destinations in the world.

Added to this, the presence of sustainable and modern local and foreign investment has raised the standards of real estate projects in Oaxaca such as the construction of Biya-ná in Huatulco, a luxury building with condominiums that have a view and proximity to one of the most beautiful bays in Mexico.



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