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Provide basic information on the specifics required in this regard. Our construction area will be ready to take notes about your needs, so as much information as possible will be required. It could be in a virtual or a personal meeting.
In order to execute a real estate project you must know two very important things: how much it will cost and how long it will take to get a profit.
We will prepare a quote with the best possible price based on the information in the previous point.
We appreciate the support with your prompt payment to proceed as soon as possible and in the most optimal way.
Your payment allows us to move forward with this service as soon as possible.
SILMÉXICO’s team performs a detailed analysis of the financial costs that your project must contemplate and structures them through a project calendar that allows the client to follow up on the execution time. The client will finally be able to contract the complementary services to this service according to the concepts described in the Project Financial Pro forma.
CONGRATULATIONS! At this point you are getting done with our construction services in Financial and execution analysis of real estate projects.
In SILMÉXICO we are happy to be part of your venture. One of our representatives is going to contact you to coordinate the delivery. If you want to receive the documents via mail, please click here:
Please consider that most of the original documents would be necessary in Mexico to be exhibited in multiple diligences to operate your business. If you need help please click here.
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