The follow-up of processes when a project is being executed is vital to respect each one of the execution deadlines that are in force and under contract. In addition, it must be accompanied with a management and administration of resources, whether monetary or in kind, according to the specific needs of the project’s chronology. Silmexico’s team is in charge of tracking the necessary processes to start your project and inject capital when necessary, to meet deadlines in the phases of the project, in order to save the client all the hassle and execute a successful project from the comfort of your home.
The due diligence of the necessary documentation for the execution of the project is done and the entries are made to the corresponding dependencies. The client is informed through a real chronogram of execution of work that will contrast, enunciate and visualize the delays or advances in the different phases of the project.
At the same time, the options chosen by the client to raise capital (seed capital, investment, loans, investment round, friends and family) are managed so that once all the permits to execute the project are solved, the client will have the necessary financial muscle to continue to the construction phase of the project.
When the project is already in the construction phase, it is necessary to carry out an integral administration of the technical, accounting, financial and legal aspects in order not to exceed the financial ceilings of the project and to guarantee profits, yields and returns on investment. Weekly and monthly reports will be sent to you regarding the different areas involved in the project for follow-up and approval.
Once the executive project is finished, a final report will be given to the client evaluating the projections with the real behavior of the work schedule and verifying that the desired objectives were reached.