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Provide basic information on the specifics required in this regard. Our construction area will be ready to take notes about your needs, so as much information as possible will be required. It could be in a virtual or a personal meeting.
Finding land that meets the regulations and characteristics you need for your project can be a process that brings many contingencies along the way. Our multidisciplinary team reviews the legal, environmental, accounting and marketing aspects ideal for your project to be executed on the land you want to build, in order to be able to execute your real estate project in time with your financial projections.
We will prepare a quote with the best possible price based on the information in the previous point.
We appreciate the support with your prompt payment to proceed as soon as possible and in the most optimal way.
Your payment allows us to move forward with this service as soon as possible.
The segmentation of the market to which your project is directed (short rents, long rents, housing, condominium regimes, commerce and investment) is made so that the land has the characteristics that increase the profitability of your project (location, services, market niche, type of project).
Once the land is selected, we review the land that meets the characteristics you need for your project, reviewing densities, delimitations, regulations, legal, fiscal, environmental and technical situation of the property, accompanied by audiovisual material so you can start marketing and sales campaigns.
Continuing with a future purchase and sale, the due diligences are made to review the boundaries and limits of the land according to the deed and are corroborated on site with surveys of altimetry and planimetry. In case of bordering with Federal Zones and Natural Protected Areas, it must be complemented with the corresponding delimitations. In order to have legal and physical certainty of the total area you have for your project.
We check that the price of the land is correct according to the market and work with the client on the route to acquire the land according to their needs (cash purchase, partial payment with reservation of title, investment funds, contribution in society).
Once the entire process has been reviewed. We will instruct you carefully, one step at a time through the process of buying and selling your land up to the deed and registration in the land registry, in order to continue with the privatization, lotification and construction processes.
CONGRATULATIONS! At this point you are getting done with our construction services in Mexico about land feasibility studies.
In SILMÉXICO we are happy to be part of your venture. One of our representatives is going to contact you to coordinate the delivery. If you want to receive the documents via mail, please click here:
Please consider that most of the original documents would be necessary in Mexico to be exhibited in multiple diligences to operate your business. If you need help please click here.
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